[iTunes] iMovie Audio Question

rich northouse rnorthouse at wi.rr.com
Thu Dec 30 06:52:36 PST 2004

Hi Guys & Gals,

I am trying make a small family movie with iMovie.  I am trying to make 
one about a friend who is Germany. She has sent me several still photos 
which I have used to make a movie. I have put a title, captions, 
transistions, etc.  I seem to have figured all that stuff out OK.

However, she has also recorded her voice which I would like to merge 
into the movie I have made. She sent me just the VOICE folder from 
iMovie. It contains media and voice files.

I have tried to INPUT these files from iMovie but it doesn't not 
recognize them. I have tried to open them up with iTunes, again with no 
luck. I am so close to finishing this puppy, I am sure hopeful one of 
you bright persons can help.

I am running OSX.3.7 on a Quick Silver.

Thanks for your help.


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