[iTunes] Fwd: Returned mail: User unknown

Axxll Axxll at mac.com
Wed Oct 13 10:59:47 PDT 2004

> From: Axxll <Axxll at mac.com>
> Date: October 13, 2004 7:15:02 PM GMT+03:00
> To: Itunes Support <itunes at listserver.themacintoshguy.com>
> Subject: [iTunes] Redundant Audio Tracks
> Reply-To: "A place to discuss iTunes." 
> <itunes at listserver.themacintoshguy.com>
> Hi all,
> i think my music collection is duplicated. Here is why.
> I found that  4050 tracks are in [ /user/axxll/music/ itunes ]
> those tracks where the initial tracks i had  before i conducted 
> editing and cleaning up of tags  etc.
> in another location:  [ user/axxll/music/ itunes/itunes music ]   
> there are  3047 tracks.  those are the cleaned up tracks and those are 
> what i see in Itunes library pane and i listen to.
> The Quesiton is :   How do i get rid of  the first 4050 tracks yet 
> maintain the second collection?  I am scared to delete the  first 
> batch at  [/user/axxll/music/itunes]  thinking that this is the root 
> of the second batch at  [ /user/axxll/music/itunes/itunes music ]
> As u can see i get scared easily. so help me please
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