[CUBE] Apple Cinema HD System Requirements

John T. Folden nedloftj at mac.com
Wed Feb 5 18:56:35 PST 2003

On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 09:29 PM, Thubten Kunga wrote:

> No. Apple and ATI have written the drivers for the 7500 to fully 
> support the 23" Cinema HD @ 1920 x 1200. I don't read it the way you 
> do. We simply disagree on if the 7500

It would seem they wrote the drivers to stretch the image, according to 

Max. Resolution
Digital 1600 by 1200
Resolutions on Apple Cinema HD Display
640 by 480
640 by 480 (stretched)
800 by 500
800 by 600
800 by 600 (stretched)
960 by 600
1024 by 640
1024 by 768
1024 by 768 (stretched)
1280 by 800
1280 by 960
1280 by 960 (stretched)
1344 by 840
1920 by 1200 (stretched)

It looks like the GF4MX has the same problem. The GF2MX
and GF3 do not.

> I believe you must be misinterpreting that spec page.

Seems pretty straight forward to me...


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