Dear cubeistes, I need help with a CD-RW, and would much appreciate anything you can suggest. I ordered a CD-RW drive from a company called Fastmac. However now it has arrived, I have installed it, and the cube cannot see the drive (eg, not appearing in Apple System profiler. The connections seemed pretty loose, and I have tried to push them in tighter, but it does not make much difference. Fastmac sent me some OSX disks, but as I have OSX 10.2.8 already installed I can't see how using these would help (would it?). I have emailed Fastmac for some help, and heard nothing. So first question is can anyone suggest anyway to make this drive work. Second, assuming this will not work (I must say it is much cheaper looking than the OEM drive) Can anyone suggest a good source for a slid reliable CD-RW drive for my beloved cube, which will work immediately, and do a good job. Much much appreciate in advance any help. Chris