[Duo2400] Fading corners on 280 screen

Tom and Lisa P gionpeters at comcast.net
Sun Oct 12 17:57:48 PDT 2003

>Hi, I have a 280 (grayscale) which is starting to have the fading 
>corners problem. (I think)  For a 1/4 of an inch inward on every 
>corner the screen is definitely faded; I noticed it earlier (2 
>months ago or so) but it was more mild back then.  My questions are: 
>1)How do I get rid of this?  2) will it happen to my 280c?  I have 
>heard of this on these lists before, but I have since forgotten the 
>exact symptoms/details.  Thanks, All!
>a.k.a.- The MacFreak

THe dark corners is apparently irreversible.  It happens to several 
active matrix B&W screens used in some apple portables.

It does not appear to occurr in color screens.

Mad Dog

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