[G4] Optical Drives

Harry Freeman harry at gifutiger.com
Fri Aug 11 20:33:36 PDT 2006

Greetings ( + )!( + )

I've had my G4 Sawtooth AGP for 5+ years and it still plays DVD's just 

You say "fails to play most DVDs" could you please explain what "most 
DVDs" means. Are these commercial DVDs or are they home made DVDs and 
what region code are the ones that play and what is the region code of 
the ones that won't play.

To have any idea as to your trouble everyone on this forum needs more 

On Aug 11, 2006, at 4:51 PM, probalecause at aol.com wrote:

> My Sawtooth running OS 10.3.9 and has a DVD/CD drive fails to play 
> most DVDs. Any idea as to what may be the trouble?
>  Bailey

Cheers, /\*_*/\

Harry (*^_^*)
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