[G4] FW: Lost LaCie external HD and more

wilkinw macsys at mac.com
Mon Sep 24 04:06:43 PDT 2007

By any chance you didn't do a firmware update on it did you? Lacie's  
firmware updates have been known to blowout the firewire bridge, just  
a thought, Wayne.

On Sep 23, 2007, at 3:06 PM, Joe wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Joseph Glynn" <jglynn40 at sprintpcs.com>
> To: G4 at listserver.themacintoshguy.com; "Joe GLYNN" <glynn696 at aol.com>
> Sent: 9/23/07 1:52 PM
> Subject: Lost LaCie external HD and more
> Hello,
> I'm new to the group, but I'm in desperate need of help.
> I Have a:
> Power Mac G4      (EMC#1096)
> Ethernet ID: 0003996CB404
> PMG4 1 GHZ DP/2M CACHE/512MB SDRAM (I added a extra 512SDRAM  
> hopefully OK)/80GB HD DVD-R/CDRW/NV17 Dual/56K MDM/GIGE
> (As seen threw the eyes of a guy with bifocals)
> Operation System: OS X 10.4.10
> Processor: Dual 1 GHz Power PC G4
> 2 MB L3 cache per processor
> Memory: 1 GB SDRAM
> If it helps, my doors are not mirrored or the case is not blue, the  
> sides are silver with clear plastic handles and the front is a flat  
> gray color.
> Problem 1:
>  When the computer is not shut down properly(from a lock up or  
> power outage), I can't find my external HD (LaCie 200gb) that is  
> hooked up with a fire wire. I have found it in the past using  
> Diskwarrior from Alsoft, but no I can't find it using that software  
> anymore.
>  I can see it when I use the Application/utilities/ Disk  
> Utility.app, but when I click on it, it says the smart status is  
> not Supported.
> Problem 2:
> (Which might be part of problem 1)
>  My G4's memory is really full, and my printer and OS9 were not  
> working. So in one of my attempts to fix it myself I started  
> deleting old files that were really big. I thought I was doing good  
> until I went to open I-cal/Address book and they were not there  
> anymore. I have all my old disks from my up grades, Tiger, Panther  
> etc. I'm not sure what to do next. I have a copy of my cal/address  
> book on my Sprint 6700 that I was syncing up everyday using  
> Markspace software.
> SOS from a guy who is trying his best.
> Joe
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