[MacDV] Flash

Mark M. Florida markflo at mac.com
Mon Apr 14 07:31:59 PDT 2003

I thought this post was going to be about Macromedia Flash movies from the

The only thing I can think of is maybe your hard drive is severely
fragmented?  Was the transition finished rendering?  Were there any other
applications open?  Here are some suggestions:

- Quit all other applications

- make sure iMovie is done rendering everything before playing back

- if it still stutters, try exporting to a DV stream and re-importing to
iMovie -- this will make sure the video file is as contiguous as possible.

Hope that helps?

- Mark

> Despite my hardest endeavors I am still struggling with iMovie 3.0.2 !
> Transitions that I play on the timeline 'flash' as the timeline curser
> passes into them i.e. where the clip ends and the transition starts. I
> have a G4 933 with a gig of RAM so it shouldn't be the machine
> struggling to cope.
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