[MacDV] Re: What Computer

Matthew Guemple mo.og at verizon.net
Thu Apr 17 10:28:16 PDT 2003

> I always tell people to buy the cheapest machine for the task that  
> they want
> to do.
Absolutely, but don't get the cheapest just because it's cheap.
> Basically that means know what you want to do, figure out what
> software does this, and test that software out on a few machines (if  
> there
> is a local store) or go by the recommended (not minimum) equipment that
> software has written on the box.
  This is excellent advice if you know what you are doing and you have  
some experience. It also requires a lot of research, which is not  
always easy to do, particularily for people who are in a position to be  
asking what machine they should get. That usually indicates that the  
person is not given to the kind of research you suggest. People call me  
all the time to ask the same question. I have someone that I call...  
because he is really into keeping up on all that stuff. I'm not.

But cheapest for the job vs. cheapest is an important distinction. I  
also suggest that people think a little about how their use might  
change in the next year or so, and that they think about getting a  
machine that accommodates that. Otherwise they do end up having to  
upgrade in a year and take a bath on the resale. If you buy the fastest  
and most upgradeable machine you can AFFORD (do not take out a second  
mortgage) you can use it for a few years without having to upgrade and  
get your money's worth out of it...
> Dont get stuck in the perpetual upgrade hype every time new equipment  
> or software comes out.
True. Faster is faster, but is it faster enough to spend the money? I  
just jumped from a 533mhz (or whatever it was) to a 1gig. The speed  
difference is indeed notable. 6 months later I still notice it every  
once in a while. Time wise it was money well spent.

But overall I think this tread has amply demonstrated that getting your  
feet wet requires at very least some thought about what you want to do,  
where, and how fast.

Money buys you many things, mostly gewgaws. The one thing it is really  
is good for is it buys you time.

I'm done.
Matthew Guemple
Art Director/03
mo.og at verizon.net

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