[MacDV] Re: SIGS Off-Topic,

Jim Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Sat Apr 19 07:31:12 PDT 2003

On Saturday, April 19, 2003, at 05:55  AM, YangZone at aol.com wrote:

>> It sucks to say this because I really don't like killing kids much, but
>> if you are going to operate on a cancer sometimes some healthy tissue
>> must also be removed, Wow that sucked but it's true.
> now THAT sounds like Goering or one of his gang...
>>  I would remind you that only 1/3 as many innoocent Iraqis ( by their
>> own count) have been killed in total war than were killed in NYC on 
>> 9/11 by the
>> terrorists that you seem to think can be reasoned with and respected.
> So we divide our pain by 3 and we know how Iraquis feel? The people who 
> did NYC would have done Baghdad in a hot second. They had hate in that 
> direction too.

You really don't pay very good attention do you?

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