Paula, I've experienced the same poor quality still images on my recent videos. I used stills from my Olympus C720 (shot at highest quality), and they appear very bitmapped on the resulting DVD I burned. Well, they appear very bitmapped EXCEPT during the transition phases from one clip (still, title or video) to another. during the transitions, they look perfectly normal. This problem appears whether I'm watching it on a Mac, a 51-inch Toshiba projection TV, or a 36-inch Sony TV. No one here has been able to adequately suggest a course of action or a possible cause for this issue. I burned one DVD normally (i.e. creating an iDVD project straight from iMovie 4), and a second DVD by exporting the iMovie to a .dv file, then importing that file into iDVD and burning. I had the same amount of pixelation in both DVDs. Wish I could help more... I'm stuck commiserating with you. I'm continuing to search for answers and will share anything constructive I find. Randy On Apr 6, 2004, at 7:54 AM, Macintosh Digital Video List wrote: > > Hi, > > I'm working on a DVD project to give new employees an overview of this > company. I'm combining photographs, narrated audio, and some music > clips in > iMovie, then taking the segments into iDVD for the final presentation. > It > will be shown both on a pc laptop through a new lcd projector and on a > tv > screen hooked up to a DVD player. > > Problem #1: The photographs appear really bitmapped in iMovie. I've > tried > scanning at different resolutions (from 72 up to 300) and resizing at > different dimensions (640 x 480 pixels, 1280 x 960, and 1920 x 1440) > but it > doesn't seem to make any difference. Is there a way to make them less > pixilated? > > And, problem #2: There's some noise -- a buzzing -- when the DVDs are > played > through the laptop and on the tv. I'm using 4.7 gb DVD-Rs. I've only > made on > DVD and will experiment with the settings, but any advice is > appreciated. > > Thanks > Paula