[MacDV] Re: Screen grab from a DVD

Mark M. Florida markf at squareblue.com
Sun Feb 22 12:13:16 PST 2004

To grab a frame of DVD video, I just use the VLC player 
(http://www.videolan.org) and use the regular screen capture tools 
built-in to OS X (shift-command-4, then hit the spacebar to grab any 
single window).

Unless you need Snapz Pro for other screen capture purposes, why pay 
for it just to grab a frame of video from a DVD?

2 cents.

- Mark

On Feb 22, 2004, at 12:15 PM, Erica Sadun wrote:

> At 9:05 AM -0500 2/22/04, Marisa D'Vari \(Deg.Com Communications\) 
> wrote:
>> I need to grab an image from a DVD ... I have final cut pro, imovie, 
>> etc ...
>> any suggestions? Thanks!
> Snapz Pro.
> Ambrosia SW
> --Erica

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