You can do a regular Find for .DS_Store, with Find visibility set to "all". As a caution, if you're not familiar with command line stuff, if you use the "rm" command in Terminal window, use "rm -i", which will give you a prompt telling you what it's about to delete before it deletes them. On Sun, 30 May 2004, Kynan Shook wrote: > There is one in every folder; per standard conventions, anything named > beginning with a period (note that the name is ".DS_Store", with a > period at the front) is hidden from the user. For those not afraid of > the terminal, you can do "cd /path/to/a/folder/" to find a specific > folder (cd = change directory), and then "ls -a" to list all the files, > including hidden ones (ls = listing of directory contents). To see > what directory you are currently in, type "pwd" (= print working > directory). To delete the file, you can use rm (remove), but I'm not > going to describe how to use that command: if you're familiar with it, > use it. If you're not, I'd recommend using a GUI tool of some sort; > there are a number that can be used to either delete the hidden > .DS_Store files, or to show all hidden files in the Finder. > I don't have time at the moment to look up specific names; somebody > else can chime in here, or ask me later and I can look if you can't > find any. . . .