[X-Unix] Creating users with the command line

Pedro fp lists at pedro.Net.au
Mon Oct 11 12:32:44 PDT 2004

G'day Folks

I'm trying to (re)configure the Apache server in my Mac OS X.3  
following the instructions given in "Apache the Definitive Guide"  
(O'Reilly). I'm doing this both as a learning exercise and because I  
need a more sophisticated testing server than I currently have, in  
particular I need multiple virtual servers with SSL.

Early on ATDG advises creating a user called 'webuser' in a group  
'webgroup'. The authors advise first creating webgroup using the  
command ...
	adduser -group webgroup
then using addgroup to add webuser however when I attempt to run those  
commands I get ...
	-bash: adduser: command not found
Can anyone advise how I can do this on OS X.3? The objective is to  
create a user who "cannot actually log in" for Apache services to run  

Cheers, Pedro :-)

Web: <http://www.pedro.net.au>                    PGP Key ID: 387CD96F
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"The worst realities of our age are manufactured realities. It is  
therefore our task, as
creative participants in the universe, to redream our world. The fact  
of possessing
imagination means that everything can be redreamed. Each reality can  
have its alternative
possibilities. Human beings are blessed with the necessity of  
                                              Ben Okri in 'A Way of  
Being Free', 1997, p49

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