Screw 3ivx. Encode from an iDVD image 320 x 240 10 fps 100 kbps with Handbrake. Your file is WAY TOO BIG. <> check out my site for examples of 1 MB per minute results. -- Taylor Barcroft New Media Publisher, Editor, Video Journalist, Podcaster, Futurecaster Santa Cruz CA, Beach of the Silicon Valley URL RSS iTunes On Oct 17, 2005, at 7:10 PM, Neil wrote: > OK, I went back to the video and checked the info window in > Quicktime and > discovered that I actually encoded it with the 3vix codec, not H. > 264. Now > that I think about it, H.264 didn't exist yet when I encoded the > video a > long time ago. > > It's a .mp4 file. QT says 3vix D4 4.5.1, 640x480, millions, AAC > stereo, > 24fps. 1113.25 kbits/sec. > > So, given that it's 3vix, should that play smoothly on a PC using a > different player, like VLC or WMP?