[X4U] Re: X4U Digest, Vol 26, Issue 15

Ed Graf edgraf at earthlink.net
Mon Oct 16 08:39:54 PDT 2006

On Oct 16, 2006, at 8:25 AM, x4u- 
request at listserver.themacintoshguy.com wrote:

> can't access the article. I get an "Invalid asset ID" message.
> Mark Des Cotes
> Systems Manager/Graphic Designer


The URL he gave:

> http://www.law.com/jsp/legaltechnology/pubArticleLT.jsp?
> id=1160730321685

when copied and pasted into any browser, should give:

> http://www.law.com/jsp/legaltechnology/pubArticleLT.jsp?% 
> 20id=1160730321685

erase the "%20" characters, right after the ? and just before the i  
in id.

As brought up later, the article is likely not worth your time.

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