Partitioning disk and installing two versions of an OS

Charles Martin chasm at
Wed Dec 11 14:24:43 PST 2002

> From: Richard McKay <richard.mckay1 at>
> First you can't run powerpc stuff on a normal mac.

What do you mean by a "normal mac?" A 68K machine?

Well of course you can't ... nor can you stuff a jet engine into a 
camero ... nor can you run Pentium programs on a DOS machine ... hello??

Where in the world of tech DO you find "backward compatibility" better 
than Apple's? I'm interested ... several of the programs I use *every 
day* come from the 1980s. Try *that* in the PC world!!

> ..I still have an LC475
> sitting around doing ethernet card or PPC Chip... 
> otherwise I
> could use it as a server

Who's fault is that? Apple's ... or yours for not getting off your lazy 
butt and getting an upgrade or network card when they've been available 
for over a decade?

> , then 10.2 madness with Quartz Extreme unless 16
> meg video ram (ergo same fate for my iMac)

Quartz Extreme is optional. It has nothing to do with the 
"obsolescence" of your Mac. If you can name even ONE program that 
*requires* Quartz Extreme to work, I'll eat my hat.

Why don't you just accept the fact that you don't really know what 
you're talking about here? Systems (ie OSes) have always been hostile 
to the notion of backward compatibility ... I can't make my Betamax 
play VHS tapes *or* vice versa ... who do I sue??

Programs, on the other hand, are generally VERY backward compatible ... 
MS Word v.X reads all previous versions of Word documents and most 
other WP documents ... Appleworks reads a huge variety of formats ... 
Photoshop can open just about any bitmap graphic file ever created, and 
so on.

>  and now no backward compatibility
> for my new iBook.

You *don't want* backward OS compatibility for your iBook! The OSes 
prior to the one your machine runs were *buggier* and *less stable* 
than 9.2.1 and OS X 10.2!

> ..I'm starting to think maybe Apple should port X to
> intel...there doesn't seem to be the level of hard and software
> compatibility from the same manufacturer there should be to offset the
> disadvantages...

What disadvantages?? Name one PC that has more backward compatibility 
than a Mac. One.

Here's an idea ... why don't you stop living in the past?

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