Jaguar on a rev a clamshell

Robert R. Daniel rrdaniel2 at
Mon Nov 25 17:32:30 PST 2002

There is no real reason it would not work except perhaps
the following:  a full Jaguar installation occupies about
3 GB of hard disk space.  Even on a 6 GB hard drive, that's
more than 50% of the drive.  I am not even sure it will
install at all on a 3 GB hard drive.

I had installed OS X 10.1.3 on a Blueberry clamshell with
a 6 GB drive and it worked OK.  But in the end, I preferred
to have more storage available for applications and data.
So I deleted OS X and reverted to OS 9.2.2

Other folks might choose to do otherwise, but I suspect the
benefit/disadvantage ratio is not generally favorable for a
rev. A clamshell with a relatively small hard drive.  Add a
20 GB or larger drive and I'm sure with would work extremely

Hope this helps.


on 11/25/02 18:02, iBook List at ibook at wrote:

> Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 11:59:45 -0500
> Subject: [P1] jaguar on a rev A clamshell
> From: fielder-bianco <sealea39 at>
> Message-ID: <BA07C131.1626%sealea39 at>
> hi,
> Can anyone here comment on the feasibility of running Jaguar on the original
> rev A blueberry clamshell 300mhz with the maximum ram of 288mb???? I
> currently have 10.1.5 and 9.2.2 running acceptably and would like to upgrade
> to Jaguar but don't want to spend that much money on something that will not
> be worth it. I have only recently subscribed to the list and my reading of
> it so far has not found postings addressing this model.
> TIA,
> bafielder

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