[P1] Another Question

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Sun Apr 27 05:28:32 PDT 2003

On Sunday, April 27, 2003, at 06:20  AM, Small Moose Ltd wrote:

> Somewhere else it was said that it would be nearly impossible for a G3 
> to
> create DVD's because the processing necessary would tie up the chip for
> hours at a time.

It may not completely tie up the chip, but the creation of the DVD 
takes hour(s) on a G4. Someone can offer a bit more accurate data  but 
if I remember correctly the few iDVDs I burned were not burned quickly. 
iDVD, for instance, first creates a disk image of your project and then 
burns it to the DVD. So there are three steps, assemble, burn, verify.

Burning a Data DVD using Retrospect to my LaCie d2 dvd burner takes 
about 15 minutes with the same time to verify using a 2X dvd-r. If I 
use Apple's Burn CD, I think it adds about 15 minutes to the time.

The above times are fallible estimates made after four hours sleep.

I am selling 5 Lacie d2 120 GB Firewire drives and a few Canon 
accessories on ebay: http://www.jackrodgers.com/ebay.html

jackrodgers at earthlink.net

Soon to be online: http://www.lobatelacscale.com

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