[P1] Utilities to run on ibook: dw vs. tt

david davidwb at spymac.com
Tue Dec 16 04:10:23 PST 2003

On 12/15/03 9:45 PM, "Erin Randel" <bluelight at en.com> wrote:

> Okay, so Norton: Nyet. Anybody know what diskwarrior does that makes it
> so different from drive 10? Is it what problems it addresses? Is tech
> tools better than them all?

DiskWarrior builds a new disk directory from scratch - the others repair the
current one. Since most disk problems involve a slightly damaged disk
directory this makes DiskWarrior a very helpful tool. But it doesn't do
anything else. TechTools is a complete computer diagnostic tool. It checks
all the components of the computer, not just the hard drive. Both are in my
bag of tricks.


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