I'm pretty sure that AppleCare covers both hardware and Apple software (especially if it was bundled with the Mac that's covered). Harry ------ On Dec 17, 2003, at 12:00 PM, Brian Olesky wrote: > Since Appleworks comes with the machine, they may be willing to help, > though > I believe they usually say just hardware is covered. Call and ask. > Even if > it's not covered you may be lucky and get someone who's willing to help > anyway, especially if it's a simple problem. > > My experience has been that when I have a covered problem, and we're > going > through a fix that requires a reboot, there's usually a waiting period > of > several minutes where the tech doesn't have anything else to do, and > out of > boredom, they're usually willing to discuss just about anything. > > Brian ======================================= Harry Corsover, Independent Business Owner Amazing Travel * Health * Legal & Tax Benefits Get & Send Email by Voice! * Much More! <http://www.hc.cyberwize.com> <harry at corsazzi.com> * 877-507-9562 =======================================