[P1] Mini-Book vs. 12"iBook: will it be as sturdy?

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Mon Jan 20 16:58:37 PST 2003

On Monday, January 20, 2003, at 04:47  PM, Joe wrote:

>  By luck I got to handle a "relatively new"  TiBook with Superdrive 
> from a friend this weekend. I was so geeked,  I couldn't keep my hands 
> off her (not to mention the girl, but that’s another story!) However i 
> noticed the TiBook's screen bowed when I gently raised the lid. It's 
> beautiful but seems to be fragile, compared to my tough dual iBook.

I too was curious about the screen wigglies, but, having purchased a 
tibook I find that I am treating it just like my Pismo, 3400, 165,145, 
140 et all. Carefully and with due diligence.

It is strong and powerfull.

But, I think Apple designed it as eye candy to boost sales rather than 
as a rugged go anywhere and do anything ToughBook by Panasonic. And it 
worked. The target audience went all goo goo eyes and bought tons of 
them. I carry mine in a Pelican 1490 briefcase and am not sure I would 
want to do so in a backpack, but I might with a little extra protection.

I noticed while listening to the Capital Gang on CNN rant on pro and 
con about UM's 20 points for Blacks that not one of the CG on CNN is 
Jack Rodgers

Email: jackrodgers at earthlink.net
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