[P1] Upgrade 10.1 -> 10.2 : login failed

Daniel Galley danielgalley at wanadoo.fr
Mon Jun 16 16:01:14 PDT 2003

On 16/06/03 22:03, "Francis DERIVE" <Francis.Derive at wanadoo.fr> wrote:

> Once more I went back to reset password of the deffective user, the name of
> which was introduced with a blank character as "<first name><blank
> character><lastname>". The password is only attached digits - no spaces. I
> was refused to change the password when I changed the login name by erasing
> the above blank character and had a message to do it through the "trousseau
> d'acces" app "which is in the utility folder" ( I don't know how this app
> is said in english - the french langage has been installed for this
> computer which is my son's ).
Trousseau d'accès is keychain in english.

D Galley
 danielgalley at wanadoo.fr

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