[P1] Sig rules?

Paul Bernhardt pbern10 at xmission.com
Wed Mar 26 00:13:29 PST 2003

Dale Critchley said on 3/25/03 11:42 PM:

>on the fateful day of 3/25/03 4:36 PM, in a dazzling display of literary
>acumen, Paul Bernhardt at pbern10 at xmission.com altered the course of history
>by digitally penning the words:
>>> Bullies? How many times has Iraq attacked us?
>> Exactly and precisely Zero times, at least, if we are talking about
>> attacking the Mainland US, or territories, or even our soverign ships at
>> sea.
>Apparently you're not aware of how many missiles they fired at our planes
>before we went to war.

Yeah, for flying over Iraq. Now, I understand the rules, that we 
established 'no fly zones' over Iraq. But, you have said that missiles 
were fired on our jets. Not true. All the Iraqis did was turn on their 
targeting radars. Now, that is an aggressive act, and I have no trouble 
with us using HARM missiles to take out the radar stations during that 
period. But, at no time did Iraq actually shoot a missile at an American 
airplane over the no fly zones. 

>>> How many terrorists has Iraq
>>> spawned? 
>> Unknown, but it is a near certainty that Saddam's government had
>> absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 and Al Quaida. Yes, they approved of
>> the attack, but they didn't have anything to do with it.
>Or at least, you can't prove it because Saddam is smart enough to run
>everything several levels deep. You're also assuming that there's no such
>thing as classified information. Honestly, do you really think that Iraq,
>which uses chemical & biological weapons, is *not* a haven for terrorism? Do
>we have to wait until we find an Anthrax bomb w/ Saddam's signature on it
>flying at us to do anything about it?

According to just war theory, no. That is, we can take preemptive action 
according to just war theory. But, only if there is real evidence of an 
actual immenent threat rather than BS and lies that have been tossed 
about. I actually do not think Iraq has been a haven for terrorists 
because there is no evidence to support the assertion. Iraq hasn't used 
chemical or biological weapons since before 1991. The use previously was 
horrid and terroristic against his own people (and was sanctioned and 
supplied by the United States of America). But, there is no evidence that 
he has ever given these weapons nor training to any outside agency, yet. 

Our forces claimed the other day to have found a chemical weapons plant. 
Oops, they were wrong. It had been such a plant before 1991, and it is 
now completely empty of materials and equipment. That is to say, it is 
how it should be since 1991, unusuable for that purpose.

The evidence was lacking before the war and is lacking now.

What do you think Saddam is waiting for if he has all these weapons... is 
he waiting to use them even closer to his bunker? 


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