
Chuck & Kim Blair yahoogroups at ifriendly.com
Thu Mar 27 12:39:51 PST 2003

>Chuck & Kim Blair on 3/27/03 2:55 PM wrote:
>>  My ice ibook 500mhz continues to start up with the flashing folder
>>  95% of the time. I hold down ctr, opt, apple, & power button. Twice,
>>  then restart.
>If it flashes between a Finder icon and a question mark (I believe those are
>the two icons) this means that it's "confused" about what drive to boot
>from. However if you wait it out for about 30 seconds, it will eventually
>find the internal drive and start up.
>This sometimes happens after zapping the PRAM or installing/upgrading your
>operating system.
>After you get to the desktop, you need to go into your control panels,
>choose Startup Disk, and click on your hard drive's icon.

Hey Mark,
Yes my ibook is confused and can't find the hard drive, but it isn't 
waiting awhile and then starting up. The hard drive icon in the 
Control Panels is clicked. :ol
I wish that was the problem.

I've had a battling problem with this ibook since a repair by Apple 
the first week of use.
I was having to push the reset button, remove the battery, hit and 
miss with pushing buttons but finally starting up after poking around 
and waiting about...20 min.s
I reinstalled the system, removed the energy conservation control 
panel and the software update control panel...(heard they could case 
problems so I'm being safe)

Now the three button, power button seems to be working.
But, I hate doing that almost every restart!

Thank you for helping me.

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