[P1] Mail w/o images?

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Thu May 8 04:18:44 PDT 2003

On Thursday, May 8, 2003, at 07:03  AM, Joost van de Griek wrote:

>> It's my theorey that if you wait until you disconnect and then open 
>> any of the
>> suspicious email, nothing gets sent to anyone and you can view the 
>> spam
>> without making your presence known.
> True, but that is assuming that one does disconnect at some point, For 
> an
> ever-increasing number of broadband users, that is not necessarily so.

Now that they have a reason for doing so, they might choose to do so. 
If you use Airport, all you have to do is turn Airport Off. I can only 
speak for the DSL connection I had a few years ago, and I could 
disconnect/connect any time I wanted to. There is a button in Internet 
Connect for disconnecting.

Why is it that the government can determine that a spam fax is worth a 
$500 penalty payble by the sender to the recipient but takes no stand 
on email spam?

JackRodgers at earthlink.net

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