[P1] Equipping new iBook G4

Larry Kollar kollar at alltel.net
Mon Nov 24 18:32:34 PST 2003

Peter Nacken wrote:

> Anyhoo ... We want to buy a new iBook G4 for my wife .. With airport 
> and
> extra ram ... Now .. We will be traveling around a lot when we get to 
> the US
> .. So I wonder if anyone knows if these kind of extra installations 
> can be
> done in-store while-you-wait ... (as I get it, the new airport card is 
> not a
> self install .. Not sure about ram)

Yes, both are actually fairly easy to install -- but if you want it 
done right
away, you might as well have the store do it.

> One pal told me that one apple store asked for 80$ to install the 
> airport
> card, which I find outrageous ... The apple website does not indicate
> anything like that .

When I bought my iBook earlier this year, the Store waived installation
fees since I was buying RAM & Airport card -- also got a base station 
a couple extra Airport cards for the daughter's iBook & the wife's G4. 
loaded it up for me while I browsed around & looked at other goodies.

Larry Kollar    k  o  l  l  a  r  @  a  l  l  t  e  l  .  n  e  t
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