[P1] Panther OS 10.3

Donald Keenan dkeenan2 at nycap.rr.com
Fri Oct 10 21:36:48 PDT 2003

On Friday, October 10, 2003, at 11:52 PM, Brian Pearce wrote:

>> Thanks for the reference; very helpful and informative. But I still 
>> don't like the idea of paying for an updated OS when I only recently 
>> got into OS X. But, I'll probably spring for the bucks anyway. 
>> Grumble, grumble...
> If there's not a compelling feature or features that motivate you to 
> upgrade, you might wait and see what people are reporting with hands-on 
> experience. 10.3 supposedly offers improved performance; you may find 
> that people are seeing a useful speed boost with the same model you're 
> using. (One of my two Macs is a Clamshell iBook, so I'm not holding out 
> too much hope.)


I have a Clamshell that I don't use much and might even consider 
selling. However, I didn't think that
Panther would be less appropiate than Jaguar. Is it likely to run less 
well on a Clamshell?

Also, at this stage, does anyone think that the update cycle of OS X 
will be a major rebuild every year? I suppose the time will come when 
"OS X" becomes "OS" something else? "OS XI" doesn't have quite the same 
panache about it :)


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