[P1] Hard disk crash file recovery

Erik Gilchrist erikgil at gmail.com
Fri Aug 6 09:30:35 PDT 2004

On Fri, 6 Aug 2004 12:04:30 -0400, Alexandre Leroux
<alexandre at leroux.net> wrote:
> The disk is still on warranty, but before replacing it, I'm ready to
> pay to recover the files on it if possible. The tech at my
> Apple-reseller tried unsuccessfully with some software. He told me
> other companies could be able to recover the files. He specified "smart
> error" and "possible head crash". For your information, the disk does
> not mount at all, it makes an abnormal noise.

DiskWarrioir has a scavenge or recover feature. You might want to try
that first. There are other ecovery apps out there but with your
errors, you might be best to send it off to a data revovery expert.

That said, DriveSavers.com is highly regarded as are many of the other
popular data recovery services. It's pricey though.


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