Extreme ABS and Networking

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 31 07:21:01 PST 2004

I now have my 12 and 17 alBooks surfing using the modem in the exABS 
and while reading my mail on one I can use Safari on the other. NOTE: 
if you can't get the modem to work, check your Keychain application and 
verify your password for your dialup account...  :)

Now my project is to network the two pbs so I can swap files, etc. It 
took a while but I did this with Ethernet.

Yahoo, I finally networked. Checking the Personal File Sharing was 
required even though I had the firewall turned off. Now I can swap 

Databackup worked via Airport synchronizing the Filemaker files folders 
on the two books.

The only problem remaining is networking the Filemaker files as 
client/host. For some reason the hosts button doesn't find the open 
files on the 12.


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