Hi all, I've written an AppleScript that will take songtitles from a playlist in iTunes, and send them to a Sony NetMD minidisc player via USB. This is useful for transferring music from a Mac to a Sony NetMD unit. The program is written under the GNU license. It is alpha software, and is buggy - I'm looking for people to help me with it. Please note that I'm not responsible if it damages your computer, player, etc. (Although I don't think it will - I've used it on mine, with no ill effects) If you're interested, please email me and I'll send you a copy - I've put many comments in the code, so it should be easy to follow. I'd like people to play with it, modify it, and let me know what changes you make and why. Thanks, -Angus Angus Wallace o__ o__ o__ o__ o__ Flinders University ,>/'_ ,>/'_ ,>/'_ ,>/'_ ,>/'_ Ph. (08) 82013363 (_)\(_) (_)\(_) (_)\(_) (_)\(_) (_)\(_) Fax: (08) 82013618 Enjoy gridlock today? No? - Ride a Bike! a n g u s . w a l l a c e @ f l i n d e r s . e d u . a u