There are a number of utilities that allow you to view how much space specific files and folders are using quickly and fairly easily. Here's links to a few: Disk Inventory X: WhatSize: OmniDisk Sweeper: omnidisksweeper/ I personallyy like Disk Inventory X, but check them all out. Jay > It's probably my shoddy understanding of OS X, but having spent the > afternoon sweeping up files to stop my 30g hard drive filling up, I > just did some sums based on 'Get Info', and I seeme to have about 7 > gigs missing: > > Users folder: 2.97g > System: 1.06g > Library: 3.99g > Apps: 7.57g > Free: 8 gigs (according to Finder anyhow) > > Which leaves me 7 gigs unaccounted for, or allowing for formatting > etc. on the HD, at least 4 gigs. > > So what's OS X hiding from me, and why? Is my hard drive on the way > out (it's a 2 and half year old G4 1.2mhz iBook)? > > cheers > > Matt > _______________________________________________ > iBook mailing list > iBook at > > > Listmom is trying to clean out his closets! Vintage Mac and random > stuff: >