[iTunes] iTunes not recognizing an iPod (Becca)

Dale Shera dshera at mac.com
Thu Dec 24 16:14:26 PST 2009

On Dec 24, 2009, at 2:11 PM, Robert Finlay wrote:

>> when he plugs his iPod into his computer, iTunes doesn't recognize it. (using Windows XP, I think) - his computer sees it as an external hard drive, but iTunes doesn't see it.
> Is the iPod battery charged? If not, you may have to charge it at least partially before iTunes will "see" it. An external charger will charge it faster than the usb port.

That's true. In fact, if the battery in the iPod gets too depleted, the computer won't charge it at all. Simply plugging it into an electrical outlet for a little while, instead of a USB port, could be all it takes to resurrect his iPod.


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